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Membership of the Association runs from the 1st April each year for a period of 12 months.

New membership applications received after the 1st January of the current year will run for up to 15 months.

At the 2021 AGM (October 2021) it was approved to make an increase in the subscription rates for new memberships and renewals effective for the 2022 / 23 membership year.

In addition it was approved to introduce the option of a 3 year payment for Single & Joint Adult membership which offers a discount over the annual fee.

The following levels of membership are offered at the stated subscription rates

  • Annual Single Adult Membership £10 per person

  • Annual Joint Adult Membership £15 per couple at the same address

  • Annual Junior Membership £3 for under 16 year old (no voting rights)

  • 3 Year Option Single Adult Membership £25 per person

  • 3 Year Option Joint Adult Membership £40 per couple at the same address

If you would like to apply for membership or wish to renew your membership of the Lancashire Heeler Association, please complete a membership form 

(click on either of the document links below).

Completion of the membership form (for new or renewing members) ensures we meet the KC requirements in terms of maintaining member’s details. It also ensures the Association has up to date details in order to send members newsletters and other communications.

Information on where to send the completed membership form and how payment should be made are detailed on the form itself.

The following options for making payments are via PayPal (see the link below), by Bank Transfer (details on the membership form) or by sending a cheque with a completed membership form.

You can click on either document format option below to download a copy of the Membership Form, this form should be used for a new application or to renew an existing membership.

Membership (word)

Membership (PDF)

If possible when using PayPal for payments please use the friends and family button, the email address is:

© 2019 by Lancashire Heeler Association. 

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